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Chainstay LengthUpdated 5 months ago

Chainstay Length (CS) often referred to as Rear End Length, is super important when it comes to what style of riding you lean towards. Here are some rough guidelines to start out with:

12.5 - 13 Inch is considered a Street Frame. 

13-13.6 Inch is considered a Park Frame.

13.6+ Inch is considered a Dirt Frame

These are general starting points- there are loads of frames that slightly out of these ranges, it all depends on the rider's preference. 

A shorter rear end/chainstay will create a twitchy, fast handling bike that is really easy to pull up into a manual. The trade off is that once in the manual it will be harder to control as it is soo responsive. 

A longer rear end/chainstay will give you loads of stability, slower/more relaxed handling and will be slightly harder to pull up into a manual, but easier to keep in a manual.

Chainstay Length is measured from the centre of the Bottom Bracket (BB) to the centre of the Drop Outs.

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